Parents are advised to take responsibility to see that their ward attends classes regularly and as a rule does not seek exemption from attending daily classes. If there is any important occasion within the immediate family that falls on the working day and requires the presence of the family members whether for half day or full day leave of absence should be applied for beforehand by the parent by filling the details in the official note printed in the calendar. Such permission as a rule will not be granted if the occasion coincides with the date of Examination or any other important event of the school.

Parents will strictly avoid fixing a routine doctor’s checkup to their ward during working hours.


  1. Punctuality and regular attendance is insisted Leave of absence from school even for a few periods for attending marriages, funerals, etc., is not allowed. The general terms of excuse, ‘for some business’ ‘for some ceremony’ are not accepted.
  2. When a pupil has been absent from school without leave for some reason not foreseen, she/ he must on returning to school bring a LEAVE NOTE from his/her parents or Should the absence exceed three days the Leave Note must be forwarded to the Principal.
  3. Half day leave is granted in case of genuine reason only. The leave note should be compulsorily submitted in the morning itself to the Principal or Vice Principal.
  4. In the case of illness if the student is absent for more than 3 days the Leave Note along with the Medical Certificate must be forwarded to the principal.
  5. Special notice shall be taken of absence without permission from TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS AND THE RE- OPENING OF CLASSES after the holidays (June/October/December).
  6. Continuous absence for more than a week from school without permission will lead to the removal of the student’s name from the school register. In such cases re-admission will be done only after payment of Rs.300/-. Re-admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The school authorities will have full discretion in this matter.


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Carmel School CBSE
Near Range Forest Office
Moodbidri - 574227

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Phone: 08258- 238842

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