Carmel School CBSE Moodbidri organised a week-long Summer Camp for the students from classes LKG to 8th from 1st to 8th of April, 2022. Total 300 students had enrolled themselves for the summer camp. Under the leadership of Physical Education teacher Ms. Saritha the programme commenced with a prayer song and the universal prayer. The grand inauguration ceremony took place creatively during the session by opening a model of a Lotus by the Principal Sr. Jyothi, the Vice Principal Sr. Premal, Physical Education teachers and the School Pupil Leader. The opening of the lotus symbolises purity, compassion and spiritual enlightenment.

The Principal addressed the gathering and spoke about the various activities that would be conducted in the camp. The activities were yoga, spoken English, English handwriting, fitness - aerobics games, zumba, hindi grammar, action songs and art and craft. The students were taught to be creative and also bring out their own creativity. They prepared crafts like beautiful paper lilies and different flowers under the guidance of their teachers. Various songs and dances were taught. Students enjoyed the games and the most important moment was at the end of the day where each and every player was a winner.

This summer camp gave them a feeling of close community where everyone learnt to respect each other and got values of life. It gave them a freedom to blossom in new directions and spread the fragrance of love and to share the gifts and talents God has given them. The Principal thanked the students and their parents for their participation in the summer camp. To conclude, students developed new skills, made new friends and created memories they will cherish forever.

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Carmel School CBSE
Near Range Forest Office
Moodbidri - 574227

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Phone: 08258- 238842

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