“Inhale Positivity and Exhale Negativity”

Yoga day is celebrated on 21st June every year to bring happiness, peace, harmony and success to every soul in the world.

With a profound thought and a sheer intention to instil in the students, the importance of fitness, Carmel school celebrated International Yoga Day on the 30th June 2023 keeping in mind the theme “ Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam“ i.e. Yoga for the welfare of all – one earth, one family, one future.

The day began with a prayer song exploring God's blessings followed by igniting the graceful lamp by the Chief Guest Dr. Shobhith Shetty ,Resident Medical officer “Yoga and Nature cure hospital” Sowkhyavana Pareeka, Sr Maria Gracilda A.C the principal, and Sr Ranitha the Co-ordinator. The yoga art form was presented through welcome dance by the students. Under the able guidance of teachers, students also performed various sitting and standing asanas like Trikonasana, Bhujangasana. Anulom Vilom, Pranayama etc. in their respective classes. The students then presented the theme through yoga dances demonstrating the eminence of art of yoga , importance of which was simultaneously explained.

Sr Maria Gracilda A.C the principal, welcomed the Chief Guest with a floral welcome as a token of love and gratitude. She appreciated the efforts of the students who participated in the programme. She also praised Mrs Nisha Shetty, Yoga instructor and Tr Devaki, Physical trainer for their commendable work in training the students from grade III to Grade VII. The Chief Guest in his speech addressed the history and importance of Yoga. He also emphasised the meaning of Sanskrit word “Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirothi” which means “Yoga is the neutralization of the vortices of feeling”. He further encouraged the students to practise yoga and meditation on regular basis for healthy body and mind. He concluded his speech by demonstrating a few asanas to students, highlighting the benefits of them.

The programme was compered by Sanvi Riona. Sudhanshu welcomed the gathering. The significance of the day was well articulated by Kaylin Lobo. Vote of thanks was proposed by Jerwin.

It was indeed a stress buster for all the students. May the power of yoga bring out the best in everyone.

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Carmel School CBSE
Near Range Forest Office
Moodbidri - 574227

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