"Safety is not a gadget, but a state of mind. Safety first, Safety Always.”

FIRST AID WORKSHOP was arranged for students of grade 8 to grade 10 and teachers of Carmel school on 23rd September 2023. The resource person was Dr Prashanth Donkar, Professor and HOD at Alvas – Medicine including Paediatrics and the team of 8 final year BHMS students of Alvas College- Swati, Shristi Shetty, Rajshekhar, Anushka ,Pavitra,Akshata, Niharika and Seema Thappa. The Guest and his team were welcomed by Sr Rosy and Tr Dina with a sapling as a token of respect.

The session for teachers was focussed on Basic Life support ( BLS) . Importance of CAB ( Circulation, Airway, Breathing) . Detailed information on Cardio- pulmonary Resuscitation ( CPR) was explained through power point presentation. A hands – on training was demonstrated in CPR by using Manikins. There was active participation by the teachers and they too expressed that the workshop will be very useful for them to meet the emergencies in school. This was followed by a doubt clarification session which was dealt by Dr Prashanth with fervour and patience. The programme was compeered by Tr Pramila, Tr Sangeetha welcomed the gathering and Vote of thanks was proposed by Tr Sushma.

The workshop for students mainly focussed on how to provide first aid in case of wounds, bleeding, poisoning, bites and unconsciousness. The team of students studying BHMS of Alvas medical college explained in detail about the snake , scorpion and dog bites . They also stressed on safety first aid treatment for nose bleeding and fracture. The team of medical students also answered the questions raised by the students. It imparted knowledge of commonly occurring situations in our daily life today. It was explained to the students and teachers to remain calm in adverse situations and how to give basic medical aid to anybody if required. Lastly, Dr Prashanth emphasized on the importance of learning first aid and urged to practise whenever in emergency. The programme was creativity compeered was by Rowan Rodrigues. Avani welcomed the gathering. Hithaa Shetty proposed the vote of thanks.

It was an interactive and educative workshop to equip students and teachers with skills and confidence to use first aid and CPR in real life situations.

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