Kannada Rajyotsava, also known as Karnataka Formation or Karnataka Day is celebrated on 1st November every year. Carmel School, Moodbidri celebrated Kannada Rajyotsava in the school auditorium on 1st November 2023 with a short programme hosted by the students of class 6B and 7B.

The school auditorium was beautifully decorated with the Karnataka flag, coloured balloons, flowers and flags. The programme started with a meaningful prayer service praying for safety and progress of our state. Students dressed in Mohiniyattam dance attire welcomed the gathering with a welcome dance. It was heartwarming to see the enthusiasm of the performers.

The ceremony was graced by lighting the lamp by Smt. Shweta Ramesh, Lecturer of Holy Rosary PU College, Moodbidri, the Chief Guest, Sr Elena A.C the Administrator, Sr Preena A. C the Vice principal, Sr Rosy and Sr Ranitha the Coordinators. The Chief Guest was welcomed with potted sapling by Sr Preena A. C, Sr. Elena A. C felicitated the guest with a token of love and respect. The students were able to spread the fragrance of Karnataka through a spectacular skit “ Onake Obavva” , a historical story, which left the audience spellbound.

The Chief Guest in her address appreciated the students and teachers for the marvellous programme. In her address, she emphasized the importance of Karnataka's flag colours. Further she encouraged the students to speak Kannada fluently as it is our state language. She also thanked the management for the honour of gracing the occasion.

The whole programme was conducted in Kannada which created an ambience and devotion dedicated to the land of Karnataka. Teachers in charge of the programme Tr Vidyaand Shurthi were also appreciated for staging colourful and vibrant programme. The celebration ended with the singing of the state anthem and concluded with Nadegeethe and other Kannada songs which uplifted everyone's mood.

The programme was well compeered by Anushrutha B. S and Sudhanshu Devadiga. Reona Pearl Correa confidently welcomed the gathering. Significance of the day was beautifully articulated by Spoorthi Poojary. Kaylin Lobo heartily proposed the vote of thanks. Overall this day generated a sense of pride in the minds of audience. May the spirit of Kannadigas stay in the core of our hearts.

The classroom notice boards were also decorated with the theme of Karnataka Rajyotsava. The winners of the same are as follows:

Grade 3 and 4
1st place - 4A
2nd place – 4 C

Grade 5 to 7
1st place – 5 A
2nd place –6 A

Grade 8 to 10
1st place –8
2nd place – 9 B

Contact us

Carmel School CBSE
Near Range Forest Office
Moodbidri - 574227

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Phone: 08258- 238842

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