Nov 5, 2024 : Students of Grade VIII A and VIII B of Carmel School Moodbidri recently embarked on an exciting educational field trip to Manipal, designed to provide them with hands-on learning experiences beyond the classroom. The trip began with a joyful journey as students, accompanied by their class teachers, filled the bus with excitement, singing and dancing as they set off.

The first stop was the Smriti Bhavan Museum, where students were amazed by the fascinating collection of artefacts related to Dr. T.M.A. Pai, the visionary founder of the Manipal Group. The museum's extensive collection of photographs spanning generations, as well as the awards and memorabilia on display, provided a rich glimpse into his contributions and legacy.

Next, the group explored the Hasthashilpa Heritage Village. Guided by an expert, students were introduced to a variety of historical heritage houses, each showcasing the architectural styles and cultural significance of different kingdoms and religions. They marveled at the intricate designs of these ancient buildings, which offered a window into the past.

After exploring the village, the group took a break for lunch, giving the students time to relax, play games, and enjoy some light-hearted fun. Rejuvenated, they continued their exploration, visiting traditional marketplaces, art displays, and cultural landmarks from the 13th century. The students were captivated by the unique historical structures and learned valuable lessons about ancient lifestyles and cultures.

The final stop was at the Saalumarada Thimmakka Tree Park, where students spent time playing, laughing, and making the most of the beautiful natural surroundings. A refreshing treat of ice cream added to the joy of the day, leaving everyone in high spirits.

The students returned to school with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for history, culture, and nature—a day filled with learning and enjoyment for all.

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Carmel School CBSE
Near Range Forest Office
Moodbidri - 574227

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Phone: 08258- 238842

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