On March 19th Carmel School came together to celebrate A Day of Gratitude expressing heartfelt appreciation for the many blessings received throughout the year.

The program commenced with a prayer service where students and staff thanked God Almighty for the invaluable gift of learning and personal growth. Special prayers were offered for the management principal teachers and non-teaching staff acknowledging their unwavering dedication and support.

Following the prayer service Glency warmly welcomed everyone setting the tone for the event. A meaningful skit on gratitude titled Learn from Your Mistakes was performed by the students beautifully portraying the importance of acknowledging and learning from past experiences.

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Vion expressing appreciation to all who contributed to making the day special.

The celebration served as a reminder to cherish every lesson value every mentor and embrace gratitude as a way of life.









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Carmel School CBSE
Near Range Forest Office
Moodbidri - 574227

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