
Three Pillars of Constitution : Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

A short programme was organized by students of grade 8 to commemorate the Constitution Day. Every year the 26th of November is celebrated as Constitution day to mark the adoption of theIndian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly.

Carmel school Moodbidri celebrated this day on 1st December meaningfully with prayer service depicting the importance of the day followed by the devotional prayer song. A skit on importance of the six fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution was enacted by the students, it was very informative for everyone present there. Later on quiz competitionwas held from grade 4 to grade 9 which was creatively conducted by the students of grade 8 to know all the fundamental duties and rights laid down in our Indian Constitution. Participants of the quiz had come well prepared for the competition and answered the questions confidently, it was very interestingly conducted. Sr Preena, the Vice principal was also present to encourage andmotivate the students throughout the programme . She also appreciated students for conducting the programme effectively.

The programme was compered by Pradyumna Bhanuprakash, Ashrith Amin graciously welcomed the gathering, Significance of the day was well articulated by Mohak Chandra, Avni A Kini proposed the vote of thanks.

The winners of the competition are as follows :

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